A Summer in Sicily
Take a famous, but stressed, woman--abstract painter from Washington DC; an infatuated sculptor from NY with a beautiful, not so dumb, model. Add a stingy, but elegant professor; a gallery owner with an adolescent daughter and an alcoholic ex-wife and put all these Americans in a small town one summer in Sicily. Not forgetting either: a bureaucrat from Rome; a crack Sicilian photographer; an Italian sculptor, his workshop and his family; helpful neighbors and even an English racetrack driver and four Sicilian students on vacation with time on their hands---and there you have the cast of this amusing and intriguing story.
ISBN: 1-4196-1868-7
G.C. Dallas
G.C. Dallas was born in Kent, England and did her art studies in London and Paris. She married an American Diplomat and with their four children lived in many continents before settling in Paris and Tuscany. She has shown her paintings in Paris, Brussels and Italy. Her hobby is writing poetry. After “A Tragedy in Tuscany”, this “Summer in Sicily” is full of her knowledge of the art scene and the characters that make up that difficult and fascinating world...
for more on GC Dallas see: www.gcdallas.com